Personal Storytelling - Workshop

Personal Storytelling

Sarah Thurstan

Storytelling is at the core of our lives from our childhood on and is embedded in our culture wherever we come from. Whether it is ‘Knights of The Round Table’, Hans Anderson’s ‘Fairy Tales’, The Greek Myths or the ‘Tales from Omar Khayam’, we remember them all our lives.

Personal Stories help us to connect with individuals and groups because we recognise a common element between us all. We search for that link, that vital connection which helps to engage and build rapport with our audience and endorses authenticity.

This workshop highlights the power of personal storytelling.

As a leader or manager, inspirational speaking comes by using personal storytelling which brings empathy and connection to staff or clients. The Greeks used the word ‘pathos’ which means the emotion necessary to build understanding. Facts are not memorable, stories are.

Sarah Thurstan has a background in theatre, TV and education and has worked globally with blue chip companies training in Personal Presence and Public Speaking to both the corporate and the academic world.

Sarah works on building confidence through the use of the voice, posture and self-awareness in a fun, risk-free environment. This empowers delegates to use their individuality whilst still remaining professional in any work or presentation situation. Sarah loves a room full of laughter so it’s essential to have fun while learning!